
Martin 51 repair project:


March 3rd 2017

After making an inside out patch and rebending it, I decided to start fresh. I still had the other half of the orphaned side I was using and it only take a few minutes to bend into shape. I did apply a few things I learned on the first attempt. Like before I traced out the outline rubbing on the outline with a pencil. THis time I cut it out the pattern and spend a bit of time getting it closer fitting it to the guitar. When ready I taped the pattern to the side of the side and cut close with a band saw.

It did take a combination of a plane for the top and back edges, chalk, chisels, files and sanding sticks to fit the inlay

. I spend a few moments to decide how to clamp it, after a trial run I decided on the belt clamp. I used fish glue to give me a bit more time to fuss around. Yes I do work bare foot and in my pajamas, retirement is great!

March 4th 2017

I will play with the color a bit more. Maybe a little bit of yellow, or less red. This with done with Red Mahogany, tobacco brown and a touch of black.

Here is what I had before the stain (just some naptha)

March 5th 2017

I sanded off all of what I put on yesterday and sanded into the original finish a bit more. I remixed the dye with less red a and a bit more amber. It is not perfect, but looks ok unless looking right at it. The repair is very solid. The guitar has a clean drum like tap sound.

March 5th 2017

I really should let the finish cure for another week or so, but I am not the most patient guy. Here is the 51 all strung up. It is a real instrument again.


April 10th 2017

The Happy owner playing it. Still Sounds like an old Martin


